Tuesday 22 October 2013

The First Story

The Fox & The Quill, is a tale written by me. It draws influences from fables and fairy tales. The following is an excerpt taken from the story:

There were once two elegant swans. One a black swan of light and the other a white swan of night; they were in love and they were together. As a token of the love shared between them, the black swan plucked from his wing a single quill. As the feather was caught up by the wind a shining ball of flames rose into the sky and lit the entire land; the white swan was flattered. They flew together for a lifetime but soon the two swans grew tired, yet the shining sun still blared down upon them. So the white swan to plucked a single quill from her wing and flew high above the world. The feather fell towards the ground and as it did, the sun set in its place rose a gleaming orb; it was the moon. The two swans found themselves a place to rest and then they slept for a lifetime. Once again the sun rose and so the swans took to the sky. The land began to flourish, as they flew and slept and flew and slept for an eternity, till one frightful day. The black swan looked into the bright light of the sun and decided that he would bring back some of the fire as a gift for his love and so was his folly. Effortlessly the deep fires of the sun engulfed the black swan and he was no more. The white swan searched for many seasons, but to no avail she could not find her love he was gone. Her heart grew cold and with it so did the lands. She wept and snow began to fall forevermore. Time pressed on. High in her nest the white swan could see a stag and a doe walking together in love, two rabbits bouncing happily in the fluffy snow, a family of owls perched upon the branches of their home tree and even beneath a sheet of ice that was the surface of a pond, two fish circled and their lips met. She grew hateful and rose up with her wings stretched far across the sky, she pulled out another single quill and tore it into nothing. A shrill cry was heard throughout the world. The sun fell and never rose again and with that the white swan flew to the worlds edge and floated alone in the now still waters of life. 

This is the in story fable that sets the tone for the rest of the narrative. Let me know what you think. 

yours TF&TQ

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